About Ultra V Lift

Ultra V Lift is a revolutionary anti-wrinkle facelift and skin tightening procedure that has taken Korea by storm for its safe, fast and effective results. Performed by over 2000 clinics in Korea, it has also gained much popularity in Japan and over other parts of Asia. Achieve the most sought after 'V-shaped' face or a natural looking nose lift with this treatment.

What is PDO?

Polydioxanone (PDO), synthetic absorbable monofilament thread is commonly used in cardiovascular surgery and fine ligatures.

Treatment Areas

Ultra V Lift can be applied to anywhere on the body, including the face, eye corners, cheeks, double chin, neck, forehead, laugh lines, forearm and abdomen. It can use to heighten the nose bridge, giving it a natural elevated look. (treatment area photos)

How is the procedure done?

The entire procedure takes about 30min – 1 hour (depending on treatment area), where an anaesthetic cream is applied on the treatment area prior to the procedure.

The doctor then deftly inserts the threads under the skin. There is hardly any pain, bleeding or swelling and the patient can go back to work after the procedure. As the threads are dissolvable, they are slowly absorbed into the body safely. (Videos on how it's done)


Who would be suitable candidates?

The procedure is suitable for most people. Most patients are aged from 25 onwards, when the effects of ageing become apparent. Ageing causes the skin tissue to thin because the collagen and elastin fibers break down, which results in sagging skin, deep creases, folds and wrinkles. Ultra V Lift reverses the effects of ageing.

How long do the effects last?

The results usually last for 1 to 2 years. Repeated treatments will achieve better results.

What are the contraindications?
  • having skin infection and inflammation
  • during pregnancy
  • on anticoagulant medication
  • patients who have blood related diseases
  • autoimmune disease patients

Please consult with your doctor if you are uncertain about your health conditions.

How much does the treatment cost?

Your cost not only includes the price of the product, but more importantly, the skill and expertise of the doctor or healthcare professional who is administering your treatment.

Any side effect/problem in daily life?

Patients may experience some side effects such as minor pain, swelling, bruising, bleeding. Patient can go back to daily activities or put on makeup or sunscreen.

Important Information

PDO thread lift procedure is a technique-sensitive treatment. It can differ since there are various kinds of PDO threads and methods. Look for a doctor who is licensed and trained and has experience treating patients with Ultra V Lift.